The research of innovation represents the essence of EURIX operating philosophy. The drive for innovation has ensured a constant projection into the future, allowing to offer services and solutions always at the forefront.

Partecipation in numerous national and international projects of applied research has enabled EURIX to live as a protagonist the mutations that characterize an ever-changing world such as that of Information Technology. The connection with academia has never stopped. Over the years, EURIX has taken part in research projects and has signed cooperation protocols with prestigious Universities and primary Research Centres, in Italy and Europe.


EURIX has always invested in the future through research activities, aimed at interpreting new trends and experimenting with new technologies, in order to transform them into initiatives and business opportunities.

Research is given an irreplaceable value, considering it ideal driving force to growth. With this in mind, significant investments, in relation to annual revenue, are allocated to the activities of “Research & Development”.

The most recent projects are: ELF, ESACOM and ECO2A.



The ELF project, which stands for “Improving Efficiency of street Lighting through Intelligent Dimming and Radio-Frequency data-connection”, aims to develop a new intelligent infrastructure for public street lighting.



The ESACOM project, which stands for “Energy SAving and COMfort optimization”, aims to test a retrofit system on the control mechanisms of HVAC systems, which can be integrated with pre-existing ones and capable of increasing their regulatory efficiency.



The ESACOM project, which stands for “Energy SAving and COMfort optimization”, aims to test a retrofit system on the control mechanisms of HVAC systems, which can be integrated with pre-existing ones and capable of increasing their regulatory efficiency.



The ECO2A project’s, which stands for “Efficienza di Climatizzazione Ottimizzata con Auto-Apprendimento”, target is the development of a control facility for the optimizaztion of startup and shutdown phases in  air conditioning systems.